Excursion Site
Villa Zelenjak – Ventek
Lijepa naša domovino,
Oj junačka zemljo mila,
Stare slave djedovino,
Da bi vazda sretna bila!
…are the lyrics of the Croatian anthem which in 1835 were written by the poet Antun Mihanović in this area, the picturesque Zelenjak. A hundred years later, the Braća Hrvatskog zmaja Association erected a monument to honour the Croatian national anthem, the only one of its kind in the world.
Long ago, on this territory, a jacquerie took place at the foot of the ancient burg Cesargrad whose story is nowadays told only by ruins and stones. A promenade through the woods leads to this dilapidated but proud burg, as well as to the chapel of Our Lady of the Snow on the neighbouring hill, which is the proud guardian of this region.
In 1949 the Zelenjak Valley was proclaimed a protected object in the category of reserve of natural area-park forest and memorial monument of nature. The reserve comprises area of Cesarska and Risvička Gora with the Sutla River flowing through a 3 km long gorge. The slopes of Zelenjak are habitat of many significant and rare plants the most important of which are endemic species: the Croatian iris and the Croatian carnation.
Valley of the Sutla River, with Cesarska Gora rising above, is specific for the fact that three types of climate – continental, mediterranean and mountain – unite there. Therefore, we strongly recommend an active holiday with walks and spending time in nature for those who want to strengthen their lungs and the entire body.
Taste zagorje
..being on the move..
Do you enjoy being on the move?
We recommend walking, hiking or biking.
THE TREETOP WALKWAY near THE MONUMENT TO THE CROATIAN ANTHEM – this walkway is 125 m long and 5 m high. It passes through the treetops, and is dotted with interpretation boards that discuss significant plant and animal species. Below the walkway is a MUSICAL FENCE which allows visitors to play the Croatian national anthem.
A GEOLOGICAL TRAIL leads to the top of the mountain Risvička Gora, where the Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows is located. The trail is 1.5 km long and along the trail visitors can find interpretation elements related to the geological structure of the protected area.
THE ECO HIKING TRAIL TO CESARGRAD – there are several trails (which range from easier to more challenging) that lead to the mountain Cesarska Gora (the starting points are Zelenjak and the town of Klanjec).
THE A. MIHANOVIĆ WALKING TRAIL ALONG THE SUTLA RIVER – this trail leads from Zelenjak to Klanjec along the Sutla River.